Herbal Dispensary
We are excited to announce the set-up of our new herbal dispensary.
Herbs have been used by a number of cultures throughout human history to provide therapeutic remedies. Herbal remedies are often thought of as ‘natural’ drugs, ‘safer’ versions of conventional medicines. In much of Western Europe, herbs are often substituted for over-the-counter medicinal products. Even here in Australia, the local pharmacy will have a section of their store set aside for “alternative” products. There is, however, more to herbs than substitution for patented pharmaceutical formulae.
Maybe it is the philosophy behind herbs that make them so powerful. Hippocrates is quoted as saying “Thy food shall be thy medicine”. It is but a part of a more full equation. Rest, diet, and exercise are all integral components of good health.
Our primary objective in both acute and chronic disease is to support self-repair. Herbs will assist in this process. We seek to optimise body chemistry by improving your nutrition and enhancing your body’s detoxification. We also aim to optimise your body energy by raising your vitality. It follows that with improved vitality you will get more from your body. Herbal tonics may make more energy available whereas herbal adaptogens may increase your capacity to cope with stressors of all kinds.
To make an appointment to discuss your own needs please contact us.