LISMORE PAIN CLINIC, (02) 6622 6966

You have completed level one training.
Why would you consider more advanced SCENAR Training?

Most practitioners find that even after completing Level 1 RITM SCENAR training, the results from SCENAR therapy in pain relief can be dramatic.

Although almost anyone can get a positive result with SCENAR technology, it is the training and experience with the device that will stand you apart from others as a RITM SCENAR user, and this is important in revenue generation.  SCENAR, a very effective electro-therapy device, can be successfully utilised in ANY practice. It complements already existing modalities.

It is important to understand, however, that the “device” and “technology” are not the same.

It is the use of SCENAR technology which will take you into of different realm of practice. This is where advanced training comes in.
SCENAR technology has:

    • a developed theoretical basis,
    • a specialised system of expert assessment of the body’s condition and
    • a specific therapy methodology.

SCENAR technology has at its roots, theory of the body’s functional systems and theory of the body’s adaptive activity. Within this point of view, SCENAR is a dynamic functional system (it has been designed as an informational analogue of a living functional system).  SCENAR is capable of determining an optimal therapeutic influence, through the assessment of functional active points (small asymmetries) and cyclical changes in the body.  It provides such influence by forming, what we call, the Functional Pathological System (FPS).   This FPS is the main product of SCENAR therapy.

There are currently three levels of SCENAR training.

Levels 1 and 2 combined fulfil what the Russians call “Basic” training.  Level 3 training builds on the foundations laid by the first two levels.

Here is what we teach in our training:


1. Small Asymmetry techniques:

In Level 1 we learned how to ‘find and treat the Small Asymmetry’. The methods of treating the asymmetry are based on the subjective detection of localisations of dissimilar expression, i.e. something different is detected – it could be as simple the client being able to raise one arm but not the other.  This concept is very simple yet has a profound influence.

In level 1 we begin to explore the two main ways we can use SCENAR device.  The first is by sensing the body’s subjective reaction to the device.  This is called the Subjective Mode (SDM), or “Dose zero”:

We learn that moving the device and leaving the device stationary is used to elicit signs from the body.  These include spots of stickiness, redness, sound or pronounced client sensation.  We also learn to recognise the opposites as well, meaning spots of non-stickiness in an area of general stickiness, blanched/whiteness in an area of general redness, a drop in sound of the electrode in an area of generally louder electrode sound and a lack of sensation in area of generally normal sensation.  We also consider any localised, non-symmetrical sign such as a pimple, rash, roughness of skin, etc.

The second way we can use the device is the Individually Dosed Mode (IDM) or “Dose one”.  Here we learn to interpret the digital readings provided 3D Character and Question Markby the device.   In Dose one the device uses its many measurements to ‘coax out’, in increments, the locations and patterns of differences. These patterns reveal to us specific processes and procedures for both the current and subsequent SCENAR sessions.  The relative values of the measurements provide important information about the state of general self-regulation.  These  so called “corridors” of reaction values are profound in their indications for the healing potential of the client.

In level 1 – we learn simple digital techniques and are introduced to the a methodology called “HIGHER”.

We learn several “cleansing protocols”, and are introduced to the Lower Abdominal Star, which is an energetic technique that can have an enormous impact on the cervical region.

More on Level 1 Curriculum


At this level of training we learn faster, and more efficient active point techniques.  This has profound implications for practice management, often dramatically shortening treatment times.

We learn techniques to deal with the changing state of the client’s reactions to the SCENAR treatment.  Also how to deal with plateau state in those conditions where there seems to be no more change, or where the client has become stuck, to ‘speed-up’ the response to SCENAR treatment.

New protocols are introduced at this level of training that have been found especially helpful in creating or restoring self-regulation relative to a particular pathological expression.  Sometimes clients find themselves stuck within pathological mud.  Their systems have adapted around their disease so as to define “new” normal, which may be a far cry from what “normal” used to be.  For example, it now becomes normal to be in a state of pain.  The client tries to live around it.   In this level of training we learn to use SDM to work in a collection of cutaneous reflex zones.  These cutaneous reflex zones are especially helpful in creating self-regulation relative to a particular pathological expression – unless one is schooled in many styles of reflex physiology, many reflex zones would never be appreciated as important influences in the process.

In level 2 we explore ‘where and how’ to investigate using the objective IDM measurements.  We examine what energetic techniques will typically be successful in fortifying specific fundamental processes considered significant in a presenting condition.  Energetic techniques are a collection of ‘body activations’ that do NOT utilise the points and patterns of differences consistent with the small asymmetry approach learned so far.

In contrast to the totally unpredictable locations of small asymmetries, the patterns of placement that form energetic techniques are predictably ‘hardwired’ in the body.  Russian clinical experience (which has been confirmed in the West) dictates that these energetic techniques be used to reinforce fundamental balance.  We don’t consider energetic techniques to be primary treatment approaches, but rather profound generic supporters of the highly individualistic asymmetry techniques.

Finally, in this level, we learn many more such techniques in order to stabilize or ‘set’ the treatment to hold a body response.  They may be simply combined with a local approach, making a SCENAR treatment (even as as short as 10-15 minutes) having a long lasting effect.

More on Level 2 Curriculum …


At this advanced level of training we investigate the nuances of Dose 0 application. How much pressure pressure applied to the body, the speed of movement of the device over the body, and its effect on the body responses. This knowledge enables the fast resolution of often difficult, painful complaints.

We learn many protocols that can be applied to specific conditions.  These have been developed from 30 years of clinical use of the SCENAR in Russia and elsewhere in the world.  They are given little attention in the basic levels of training but become an important resource for the more advanced practitioner.

In level 3 we learn techniques to assist the body in speeding up the resolution of complaints.  Activating a specific part of the ANS has profound implications in the recovery from complex and chronic disorders.  This is evidenced by the high success rate of advanced SCENAR therapists worldwide in treating such problems.

Level 3 combines an understanding of the effect of energetic methods through experience gained from practice, we investigate the many variations on a theme as applied to these energetic techniques. The result? Dramatic recovery times for the client.

Combining aspects of the active point techniques with energetic techniques, we investigate treatment protocols as applied to neurological, and emotional complaints, with attention to treatment courses and eventual outcomes.  The understanding gained from these methods together with experience gained from practice make for best possible efficient outcomes.

A quote from an Accredited RITM SCENAR Trainer:

“I learned to crawl in Level I. Liberating!
In Level II I learned to walk: Empowering!
But it was only in Level III that I discovered I was able to FLY: Awakening!”

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Mortensen, Chris 2012

Anokhin, Peter K. Biology and Neurophysiology of the Conditioned Reflex and Its Role in Adaptive Behavior: International Series of Monographs in Cerebrovisceral and Behavioral Physiology and Conditioned Reflexes. Vol. 3. Elsevier, 2013.

Selye, Hans. The Evolution of the Stress Concept: The originator of the concept traces its development from the discovery in 1936 of the alarm reaction to modern therapeutic applications of syntoxic and catatoxic hormones in American Scientist Vol. 61, No. 6 (November-December 1973), pp. 692-699