LISMORE PAIN CLINIC, (02) 6622 6966

Is it time for your annual flu shot?

Its that time of the year when many are pondering whether or not to have a flu shot. There are two camps, vehemently opposed: In the Red corner are those who consider it mandatory. In the Blue corner are those who consider it a Big Pharma money making venture. Here is a short intervie

Herbal Dispensary

We are excited to announce the set-up of our new herbal dispensary. Herbs have been used by a number of cultures throughout human history to provide therapeutic remedies.  Herbal remedies are often thought of as ‘natural’ drugs, ‘safer’ versions of conventional

Arm /hand pain

John called me this morning… early. Yesterday afternoon I treated him for the third time.  He left somewhat relieved.  Sometimes, when suffering from chronic pain, the body forgets what normal is.  It adapts.  When it gets lost on the pain merry-go-round, the body seems to redef

The cholesterol myth

Fats and cholesterol. What image come to mind? For me, I think of fats and cholesterol affecting cardiovascular health similarly to smoking and lung disease. We’ve been conditioned to think that way. Great billion dollar advertising. ABC’s Catalyst program presented a stor