LISMORE PAIN CLINIC, (02) 6622 6966

Killer Back Pain

I answered the phone this morning at 8:30.  “WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY WIFE?!” It was a bloke from a neighboring town, who I met yesterday when he brought his wife into the clinic.  They had met a client of mine at the markets early in the morning who recommended they come

A builder’s back spasm

You know the pain. Your back has been warning you for a little while now. You can’t quite remember how long because … well, you’ve learned to ignore its promptings … until now. You lifted, felt something go pop and suddenly you drop to the floor in agony. This

SCENAR therapy can help with nerve pain

Channel Nine recently presented a short story on nerve pain.  There are many of our population that are now suffering from chronic pain, including nerve pain. Sometimes they feel they are not taken seriously, and are looking for help.  Any help. In ACA’s short presentation they