The cholesterol myth
What image come to mind?
For me, I think of fats and cholesterol affecting cardiovascular health similarly to smoking and lung disease. We’ve been conditioned to think that way.
Great billion dollar advertising.
ABC’s Catalyst program presented a story on Thursday (24th Oct 13), (to be repeated again 12.30pm EDST today – Saturday) which throws down a challenge that
“It is huge misconception that saturated fat and cholesterol are the demons in the diet, and it is 100% wrong.” – Dr Jonny Bowden
It appears that (within our diets) the real enemy is the simple carbohydrate, found in all processed foods.
“If you replace fat with carbohydrate, you will probably be a little bit more inclined to be hungry; your insulin levels will be a bit higher, you’ll have high levels of triglyceride, higher levels of glucose and less of your good cholesterol to avert problems.” – Dr David Sullivan
Dr Bowden claims that our several-decade-long focus on cholesterol has been incredibly destructive because we haven’t looked at the real promoters of heart disease, which he lists as
- inflammation,
- oxidative damage,
- sugar in the diet, and
- stress
We address these holistic issues at the clinic from many angles, including SCENAR therapy, remedial and lymphatic drainage massage, detox sauna and nutrient element testing.
If you missed the show, you can download the segment mp4 video (average size 10 MB) from here.